Mass Schedule - Week of March 23rd, 2025
3rd Sunday of Lent
Sunday, March 23
3rd Sunday of Lent
St. Turibius, BC
8:00 am Low Mass (Juan Jimenez Alvarez from Mirna Harper)
Server: Aiden Sellers
9:30 am Stations of the Cross
10:00 am Low Mass (Pro Populo)
Server: Paddy Omlor
Monday, March 24
St. Gabriel the Archangel
**NO MASS SCHEDULED** (RIP Tommy Williamitis & comfort for the Williamitis family from Jamie
Tuesday, March 25
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Dismas
7:00 am Low Mass (Poor Souls from Jamie Kennedy)
Wednesday, March 26
Lenten Feria
St. Ludger, BC
8:00 am Low Mass (Stephanie Peck & Matthew Blanchard from Daniel Peck)
Thursday, March 27
St. John Damascene, CD
6:00 pm Low Mass (RIP Frank Beaver from Mike & Erin Ribar)
Friday, March 28
Lenten Feria
St. John Capistrano, C
6:00 pm Stations of the Cross
6:30 pm Low Mass (Conversion of children, family & friends from Jamie Kennedy)
Saturday, March 29
Lenten Feria
Ss. Jonas & Comp., Mm
8:30 am Low Mass (Special Intention from Cleo Speckert)
Sunday, March 30
4th Sunday of Lent
St. John Climacus, Ab
8:00 am Low Mass (Special Intention from Cleo Speckert)
Server: Trent Smith
9:30 am Stations of the Cross
10:00 am High Mass (Pro Populo)
Server: MC: Paddy Omlor.
Thurifer: Clayton Wright.
Acolytes: Xavier Wright & Peter Clayton.
† School Mass will be moved to Wednesday at 8 am during Lent.
† Rules of Abstinence & Fast during Lent (Handbook of Notes on Theology):
Everyone over seven years of age is bound to observe the law of abstinence during Ember Days.
Complete abstinence is to be observed on Fridays, Ash Wednesday, and Holy Saturday. On days of complete abstinence, meat and soup or gravy made from meat may not be used at all.
On days of partial abstinence, meat and soup or gravy made from meat may be taken only once a day at the principal meal.
Everyone over 21 and under 59 years of age is bound to observe the law of fast.
The days of fast are the weekdays of Lent (except Sundays), including Holy Saturday (Fast ends at Midnight on Easter Sunday).
On days of fast, only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to one’s needs; but together they should not equal another full meal.
Meat may be taken at the principal meal on a day of fast except on Fridays, Ash Wednesday, and Holy Saturday.
Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including milk and fruit juices (we also think vegetable juices), are allowed. Malted milk, milkshakes etc., are not permitted.
Where health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige. In doubt concerning fast or abstinence, a priest should be consulted.
† Easter Duty: Confession: All the faithful who have reached the use of their reason must sincerely confess their sins at least once a year (C.906). One’s obligation is not fulfilled by a sacrilegious confession (C. 907). Easter Communion: All the faithful who have attained the use of their reason must receive Holy Communion at least once during the Easter season. The obligation is not satisfied by a sacrilegious Communion (C.861). If someone has not made his Easter duty for a long time, and this be publicly known, he is thereby a public sinner who loses his right to ecclesiastical burial. (C.1240).
† There will be Catechism for the children after Mass on March 23. If you have any questions, please contact Sr. Josepha at 719 342 9131.
† Please keep in your prayers the sick and those who Father goes to see: Jackie Kroger, Connie Sellers, Megan Mann, Hope Wright.
† 14 DAY SANCTUARY LAMP: is burning for the weeks of (3/19 to 4/1) for the INTENTIONS of Connie Sellers. If you would like to donate to light the 14 day sanctuary candle for your intention, please let Father know. The donation for each candle is $25 (candles generally last 14 days, but sometimes they burn faster than expected).
Reflection: The Catechism Explained By Stories and Examples
by Fr. Francis Spirago
Fourth Lesson: On Creation
Question: Which are the chief creatures of God?
Answer: The chief creatures of God are angels and men.
Pasteur’s Experiments: On the third day God created the trees and green herbs; on the fifth and sixth He created living creatures. Those who assert that God created everything at once, and that the things He had called into being were developed successively on the several days of creation, are greatly mistaken. It is quite impossible that the germs of vegetation should have existed on the first day, for the earth was then in a state of incandescence, and fire destroys life, both vegetable and animal. Moreover, out of lifeless matter life cannot be evolved: omne vivum ex vivo. Pasteur, the professor of chemistry in Paris, who has made for himself a world-wide reputation, proved the truth of this axiom by a series of experiments. He boiled different kinds of water and filled bottles with them, which were then hermetically sealed, and left standing for a year. At the lapse of that time he examined the water with the aid of a microscope, to ascertain if any animalcule were in it. No trace of any living creature was to be discovered in these bottles, whereas in every single drop of water which had been exposed to the air hundreds of living creatures were found to exist. Thereupon he exposed the glasses of water to the action of air which had passed through red-hot tubes, but no animal life was to be found in them. He next exposed them to air which had passed through tubes partially stuffed with wool; the result was the same. Finally the vessels containing water were placed in the open air for a minute only, and in a few hours’ time the water teemed with minute animalculae. Thus it was conclusively proved that the germs of life are in the atmosphere; in the last experiment they were communicated to the water, and there developed into living creatures. Animal life cannot be evolved out of lifeless matter; the theory of spontaneous generation is utterly false.
Question: What are angels?
Answer: Angels are pure spirits without a body, created to adore and enjoy God in heaven.
The Protection of the Angels: He hath given His angels charge over us, especially over children. On the 8th of July, 1890, in a village near Prague, a little girl four years of age fell out of a window in the second story of her father’s house into the courtyard and below. Her mother, terrified, rushed into the yard and caught up the child; she was not only alive, but had not sustained the slightest injury. Her mother took her to the hospital, where she was examined by a medical man but he could not discover so much as a bruise. On the 3rd of May, 1893, in one of the streets of Paris, a little girl three years of age fell from a window in the fifth story of a house, and was not hurt in the slightest degree. On the 9th of July, 1895, the three-year old son of Prince Alexander Salm, while traveling by rail near Vienna, fell out of the railway coach, the door of which had been torn open by a violent gust of wind. The guard was rung for and the train was stopped; to the astonishment of all beholders the little fellow was seen running after the train safe and sound.