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Welcome to St. Therese's

The clergy and parishioners of St. Therese adhere firmly to the unchangeable Catholic Faith and Sacraments as taught by all true Popes, from St. Peter to Pius XII.

St. Therese of Lisieux by Leonard Porter, 2008
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Mass Schedule - Week of February 16th, 2025

Septuagesima Sunday

Sunday, February 16

Septuagesima Sunday

St. Peter Damian, BCD
8:00 am Low Mass (RIP Tommy Williamitis from The Williamitis Family)

  • Server: Andrew Smiths

9:35 am Holy Rosary
10:00 am Low Mass (Pro Populo)

  • Server: Michael Creighton

Monday, February 17


Flight into Egypt
**NO MASS SCHEDULED** (RIP Tommy Williamitis from The Williamitis Family)


Tuesday, February 18


St. Simeon, BM
7:00 am Low Mass (RIP Tommy Williamitis from The Williamitis Family)


Wednesday, February 19


St. Gabinus, M
7:00 am Low Mass (RIP Tommy Williamitis from The Williamitis Family)


Thursday, February 20


St. Eucherius, B
6:00 pm Low Mass (RIP Tommy Williamitis from The Williamitis Family)

Friday, February 21

Feria St. Severian, BC
8:00 am Low Mass (RIP Tommy Williamitis from The Williamitis Family)


Saturday, February 22

St. Peter’s Chair at Antioch
8:30 am Low Mass (RIP Tommy Williamitis from The Williamitis Family)


Sunday, February 23

Sexagesima Sunday

St. Damian, BCD
8:00 am Low Mass (RIP Tommy Williamitis from The Williamitis Family)

  • Server: Aiden Sellers

9:35 am Holy Rosary
10:00 am Low Mass (Pro Populo)

  • Server: Paddy Omlor

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†  There will be Catechism for the children after each Mass on Feb 23rd. If you have any questions, please contact Sr. Josepha at 719 342 9131.

†  Blessed Palms: Please start bringing back the blessed palms from last year so that they can be turned into ashes! Thank you.

†  Please keep in your prayers the sick and those who Father goes to see: Jackie Kroger, Connie Sellers, Megan Mann, Ed M. 


†  March 16th will be the Parish Talent Show after the 10 am Mass. The location will be at at the American Legion Post. The address is 620 N. Broadway St, Lebanon 45035. If you are planning to perform, please clear it with Father first. Please bring a main dish to share! 

†  14 DAY SANCTUARY LAMP: is burning for the weeks of (2/8 to 2/21) for the INTENTIONS of Ann Williamitis.  If you would like to donate to light the 14 day sanctuary candle for your intention, please let Father know. The donation for each candle is $25 (candles generally last 14 days, but sometimes they burn faster than expected). 

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Note: Our bulletin is printed in bulk and is available in hardcopy for all in the vestibule, but it is also available here.
If you would like to download a PDF copy, you may do so at the links below.

February 16

February 9

February 2

January 26

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Reflection: The Catechism Explained By Stories and Examples

by Fr. Francis Spirago
Third Lesson: On The Unity And Trinity of God

Question: Is the Father God?
Answer: The Father is God, and the first Person of the Blessed Trinity.


The Peasant and the Prince: A peasant proprietor had lost all that he possessed through a fire. Hamricks and barns were burned down, and as nothing was insured, the man was reduced to beggary. One day by his wife’s advice he went to ask help from a nobleman who had a mansion in the vicinity and who was known to be very generous toward the poor. The man intended to tell him of the misfortune that had befallen him, and ask for an alms. But when he got near the house, an unaccountable timidity took possession of him. He felt shy of entering the prince’s presence, not knowing by what title to address him. Was he to say, “Your Grace,” or “Your Excellency,” or “My Lord?” He went over all the titles he could think of, but could not decide which was the correct one. At last he was so afraid of offending the nobleman by addressing him by the wrong title, that he turned away from the door and went back home. On his way he passed a church and went in. Kneeling down he devoutly said an Our Father, entreating God to assist him in his distress. As he prayed, the thought came into his mind: how simple is the title we give almighty God. When one speaks to Him one does not feel shy or embarrassed. And again, as he walked home, he repeated the Our Father. On reaching his own house he found to his delight that the assistance he had implored of God had already been granted to him. His wife handed him a considerable sum of money, a collection to which the nobleman had largely contributed.

Question: Is the Son God?
Answer: The Son is God and the second Person of the Blessed Trinity.


The Death of Arius: About three hundred years after the time of Our Lord, Arius, a priest of Constantinople, began to teach that Christ was not God. He gained many followers, but he and his heresy were condemned in the Council of Nicaea. Later, however, the Emperor Constantine espoused his cause and ordered the bishop of Constantinople to restore him to the communion of the Church. The bishop was helpless, and could only beg God to avert such a scandal. Nor did God refuse his petition. When Arius with his followers came in joyful procession to the cathedral door, the heretic was suddenly seized with dreadful spasms, and having fled to a private room for relief, he remained so long that his friends went in search of him. They found him in the closet, livid and dead, the floor strewn with his blood and intestines. His body had burst asunder like that of the traitor Judas. 

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