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Welcome to St. Therese's

The clergy and parishioners of St. Therese adhere firmly to the unchangeable Catholic Faith and Sacraments as taught by all true Popes, from St. Peter to Pius XII.

St. Therese of Lisieux by Leonard Porter, 2008
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Mass Schedule - Week of July 14th, 2024

8th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, July 14

8th Sunday after Pentecost

St. Bonaventure, BCD

8:00 am Low Mass (All clergy & religious & increased vocations to priesthood & religious from Jamie Kennedy)

  • Server: Alex Sellers

9:35 am Holy Rosary

10:00 am Low Mass (Pro Populo)

  • Server: Peter Creighton

Monday, July 15

St. Henry, EmpC

**NO MASS SCHEDULED** (Poor Souls in Purgatory from Jamie Kennedy)

Tuesday, July 16

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

7:30 am Low Mass (Special Intention from Cleo Speckert)

Wednesday, July 17

St. Alexius, C

7:30 am Low Mass (Conversion of William & Madeleine Kennedy & unsaved family, friends, & relatives from Jamie Kennedy)

Thursday, July 18

St. Camillus de Lellis, C

Ss. Symphorosa & Seven Sons, Mm

7:30 am Low Mass (Poor Souls in Purgatory from Jamie Kennedy)

Friday, July 19

St. Vincent de Paul, C

7:30 am Low Mass (In honor of St. Joseph for favors received from A.M. Omlor)

Saturday, June 20

St. Jerome Emiliani, C

8:30 am Low Mass (In honor of St. Joseph for favors received from A.M. Omlor)

Sunday, July 21

9th Sunday after Pentecost

St. Praxedes, V

8:00 am Low Mass (Special Intention from Cleo Speckert)

  • Server: Andrew Smith

9:35 am Holy Rosary

10:00 am Low Mass (Pro Populo)

  • Server: Xavier Wright

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1.  August 6th is the 10 Year Anniversary of the dedication of St. Therese the Little Flower Church. Deo Gratias! Let us celebrate the 10th Year Anniversary along with the Parish Picnic on August 28th at Armco Park.

  • The address is 1223 OH-741, Lebanon, OH 45036.

  • The main course will be provided by the church.

  • Please bring a dish to share!

  • Please look for Shelter #33 at the park. Direction: Right at main entrance and right at the fork and follow road until you see Shelter # 33.

2.  When writing checks for Mass Stipends, please remember to make it out to Father and not the church. Thank you!

3.  There will be Adult Catechism (7/17) this Wednesday at the usual time at Ed’s place.

4.  14 Day Sanctuary Candle: is burning this month (6/30 to 7/30) for the INTENTIONS of Mary DiSalvo.  If you would like to donate to light the 14 day sanctuary candle for your intention, please let Father know. The donation for each candle is $25.

5.  There will be a 2nd Collection taken today (7/14) to help take care of the Bishop and Sisters’ travel expenses for the Adult and Children’s Catechism. Thank you!

6.  MODESTY STANDARDS: During the summer months, please remember to practice the virtue of modesty, especially in dress. Modesty pamphlets with practical guidelines are available in the vestibule.  Remember the words of Our Lady when she said, “Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much.” 

7.  NOTE: The dates for the Adult Catechism & Children’s Catechism with the Bishop and CMD Sisters will be July 22 - 26

  • The location of the Adult Catechism will be at 5733 Whispering Way, Springboro, OH 45066.

  • Classes will be from 9 am to 12 pm.

  • Mass during that week will be at 7 am (Bishop will need servers for those days he will be saying Mass. If the boys could come serve those days, it will be greatly appreciated).

  • The children’s catechism will be held at the church.

  • Please sign up in the vestibule if you are planning to attend.

  • Please sign up to provide lunches for the Bishop and Sisters in the vestibule.

  • If you would like to host the bishop and sisters for dinner, please sign up in the vestibule.

  • Bishop will be offering Mass and administering confirmation on Sunday July 28th. Thank you!

8.  Petition to St. Therese to help find a building for the school, convent, and rectory. The Novena Prayer to St. Therese after each Low Mass will be said for these intentions.

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Note: Our bulletin is printed in bulk and is available in hardcopy for all in the vestibule, but it is also available here.
If you would like to download a PDF copy, you may do so at the links below.

July 14

July 7

June 30

June 23

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Weekly Reflection

The Imitation of Christ

Book 4 Chapter 13 A Devout Soul Should Long with the Whole Heart to Be United to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament: “DISCIPLE: If only I could find You alone, O Lord, and tell You all that is in my heart! Then I could enjoy You as much as my soul desires; then no one would disregard me, nor anything created concern or bother me; then You only would speak to me and I to You, as a lover does to a beloved, or a friend to a good friend. This is my one desire and what I pray for: to be entirely united to You, and to withdraw my heart from all created things, that by Holy Communion and the frequent offering of Mass, I may learn ever to delight in the eternal things of heaven. Dear Lord, when shall I be completely one with You and entirely forgetful of myself? You in me and I in You; grant that we may be always so and remain as one forever.


You are truly my Beloved. “Among ten thousand you shall know Him”; in You my soul delights to dwell all the days of my life. In You, the Lord of peace, is my supreme peace and real rest; and without You is only toil, sorrow and endless misery. Truly You are a hidden God (Isa 45:15), and You have nothing to do with evil people, but You speak with the humble and simple of heart. How sweet is Your Spirit, O Lord, Who consents to refresh Your children with that most delicious Bread which comes down from heaven in order to show them Your loving kindness! For what other great nation is there that has gods so near to it (Deut 4:7) as You, our God, are to all Your faithful ones, to whom You give Yourself as food and drink for their daily refreshment, and to raise their hearts to heaven!


What other people is so fortunate as the Christian people? What creature under heaven is so beloved as a devout soul into whom God comes, in order to feed him with His own glorious Body and Blood? O grace unspeakable, O marvelous condescension, O love without measure, bestowed only on human beings! There is nothing I can give to the Lord for this grace—this supreme love; nothing acceptable I can offer Him but my heart entirely given to God and closely united to Him. Then, all that is within me will be filled with joy when my soul is perfectly one with God. Then He will say to me: “If you will be with Me, I will be with you.” And I will answer Him and say: “Stay with me, Lord, I implore You; for my desire is to be with You.” This is my whole desire: that my heart be united to You.”

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